📄️ CancelInstantSwap
CancelInstantSwap tries to cancel the instant swap. This can only be
📄️ GetInstantOutQuote
GetInstantOutQuote returns the absolute fee in satoshis for the swap and
📄️ InitHtlcSig
InitHtlcSig is called by the client to initiate the htlc sig exchange.
📄️ PollPaymentAccepted
PollPaymentAccepted polls the server to see if the payment has been
📄️ PushHtlcSig
PushHtlcSig is called by the client to push the htlc sigs to the server.
📄️ PushPreimage
PushPreimage is called by the client to push the preimage to the server.
📄️ RequestInstantLoopOut
RequestInstantLoopOut initiates an instant loop out swap.