📄️ AbandonSwap
AbandonSwap allows the client to abandon a swap.
📄️ FetchL402Token
FetchL402Token fetches an L402 token from the server, this is required in
📄️ GetInfo
GetInfo gets basic information about the loop daemon.
📄️ GetL402Tokens
GetL402Tokens returns all L402 tokens the daemon ever paid for.
📄️ GetLiquidityParams
GetLiquidityParams gets the parameters that the daemon's liquidity manager
📄️ GetLoopInQuote
GetQuote returns a quote for a swap with the provided parameters.
📄️ GetLoopInTerms
GetTerms returns the terms that the server enforces for swaps.
📄️ GetLsatTokens
This RPC is deprecated and will be removed in a future version.
📄️ GetStaticAddressSummary
loop:static summary
📄️ InstantOutQuote
InstantOutQuote returns a quote for an instant out swap with the provided
📄️ InstantOut
InstantOut initiates an instant out swap with the given parameters.
📄️ ListInstantOuts
ListInstantOuts returns a list of all currently known instant out swaps and
📄️ ListReservations
ListReservations returns a list of all reservations the server opened to us.
📄️ ListStaticAddressDeposits
📄️ ListStaticAddressSwaps
📄️ ListSwaps
ListSwaps returns a list of all currently known swaps and their current
📄️ ListUnspentDeposits
ListUnspentDeposits returns a list of utxos deposited at a static address.
📄️ LoopIn
LoopIn initiates a loop in swap with the given parameters. The call
📄️ LoopOutQuote
LoopOutQuote returns a quote for a loop out swap with the provided
📄️ LoopOutTerms
LoopOutTerms returns the terms that the server enforces for a loop out swap.
📄️ LoopOut
LoopOut initiates an loop out swap with the given parameters. The call
📄️ Monitor
Monitor will return a stream of swap updates for currently active swaps.
📄️ NewStaticAddress
NewStaticAddress requests a new static address for loop-ins from the server.
📄️ Probe
Probe asks he sever to probe the route to us to have a better upfront
📄️ SetLiquidityParams
SetLiquidityParams sets a new set of parameters for the daemon's liquidity
📄️ StaticAddressLoopIn
📄️ SuggestSwaps
SuggestSwaps returns a list of recommended swaps based on the current
📄️ SwapInfo
SwapInfo returns all known details about a single swap.
📄️ WithdrawDeposits
loop:static withdraw