AbandonChannel removes all channel state from the database except for a close summary. This method can be used to get rid of permanently unusable channels due to bugs fixed in newer versions of lnd. This method can also be used to remove externally funded channels where the funding transaction was never broadcast. Only available for non-externally funded channels in dev build.
Source: lightning.proto
rpc AbandonChannel (AbandonChannelRequest) returns (AbandonChannelResponse);
HTTP Method | Path |
DELETE | /v1/channels/abandon/{channel_point.funding_txid_str}/{channel_point.output_index} |
Code Samples
- gRPC
- Shell
- Javascript
- Python
const fs = require('fs');
const grpc = require('@grpc/grpc-js');
const protoLoader = require('@grpc/proto-loader');
const GRPC_HOST = 'localhost:10009'
const MACAROON_PATH = 'LND_DIR/data/chain/bitcoin/regtest/admin.macaroon'
const TLS_PATH = 'LND_DIR/tls.cert'
const loaderOptions = {
keepCase: true,
longs: String,
enums: String,
defaults: true,
oneofs: true,
const packageDefinition = protoLoader.loadSync('lightning.proto', loaderOptions);
const lnrpc = grpc.loadPackageDefinition(packageDefinition).lnrpc;
const tlsCert = fs.readFileSync(TLS_PATH);
const sslCreds = grpc.credentials.createSsl(tlsCert);
const macaroon = fs.readFileSync(MACAROON_PATH).toString('hex');
const macaroonCreds = grpc.credentials.createFromMetadataGenerator(function(args, callback) {
let metadata = new grpc.Metadata();
metadata.add('macaroon', macaroon);
callback(null, metadata);
let creds = grpc.credentials.combineChannelCredentials(sslCreds, macaroonCreds);
let client = new lnrpc.Lightning(GRPC_HOST, creds);
let request = {
channel_point: <ChannelPoint>,
pending_funding_shim_only: <bool>,
i_know_what_i_am_doing: <bool>,
client.abandonChannel(request, function(err, response) {
// Console output:
// {
// "status": <string>,
// }
import codecs, grpc, os
# Generate the following 2 modules by compiling the lightning.proto with the grpcio-tools.
# See https://github.com/lightningnetwork/lnd/blob/master/docs/grpc/python.md for instructions.
import lightning_pb2 as lnrpc, lightning_pb2_grpc as lightningstub
GRPC_HOST = 'localhost:10009'
MACAROON_PATH = 'LND_DIR/data/chain/bitcoin/regtest/admin.macaroon'
TLS_PATH = 'LND_DIR/tls.cert'
# create macaroon credentials
macaroon = codecs.encode(open(MACAROON_PATH, 'rb').read(), 'hex')
def metadata_callback(context, callback):
callback([('macaroon', macaroon)], None)
auth_creds = grpc.metadata_call_credentials(metadata_callback)
# create SSL credentials
cert = open(TLS_PATH, 'rb').read()
ssl_creds = grpc.ssl_channel_credentials(cert)
# combine macaroon and SSL credentials
combined_creds = grpc.composite_channel_credentials(ssl_creds, auth_creds)
# make the request
channel = grpc.secure_channel(GRPC_HOST, combined_creds)
stub = lightningstub.LightningStub(channel)
request = lnrpc.AbandonChannelRequest(
response = stub.AbandonChannel(request)
# {
# "status": <string>,
# }
- Javascript
- Python
const fs = require('fs');
const request = require('request');
const REST_HOST = 'localhost:8080'
const MACAROON_PATH = 'LND_DIR/data/chain/bitcoin/regtest/admin.macaroon'
let options = {
url: `https://${REST_HOST}/v1/channels/abandon/{channel_point.funding_txid_str}/{channel_point.output_index}`,
// Work-around for self-signed certificates.
rejectUnauthorized: false,
json: true,
headers: {
'Grpc-Metadata-macaroon': fs.readFileSync(MACAROON_PATH).toString('hex'),
request.delete(options, function(error, response, body) {
// Console output:
// {
// "status": <string>, // <string>
// }
import base64, codecs, json, requests
REST_HOST = 'localhost:8080'
MACAROON_PATH = 'LND_DIR/data/chain/bitcoin/regtest/admin.macaroon'
TLS_PATH = 'LND_DIR/tls.cert'
url = f'https://{REST_HOST}/v1/channels/abandon/{channel_point.funding_txid_str}/{channel_point.output_index}'
macaroon = codecs.encode(open(MACAROON_PATH, 'rb').read(), 'hex')
headers = {'Grpc-Metadata-macaroon': macaroon}
r = requests.delete(url, headers=headers, verify=TLS_PATH)
# {
# "status": <string>,
# }
$ lncli abandonchannel --help
lncli abandonchannel - Abandons an existing channel.
lncli abandonchannel [command options] funding_txid [output_index]
Removes all channel state from the database except for a close
summary. This method can be used to get rid of permanently unusable
channels due to bugs fixed in newer versions of lnd.
Only available when lnd is built in debug mode. The flag
--i_know_what_i_am_doing can be set to override the debug/dev mode
To view which funding_txids/output_indexes can be used for this command,
see the channel_point values within the listchannels command output.
The format for a channel_point is 'funding_txid:output_index'.
--funding_txid value the txid of the channel's funding transaction
--output_index value the output index for the funding output of the funding transaction (default: 0)
--chan_point value (optional) the channel point. If set, funding_txid and output_index flags and positional arguments will be ignored
--i_know_what_i_am_doing override the requirement for lnd needing to be in dev/debug mode to use this command; when setting this the user attests that they know the danger of using this command on channels and that doing so can lead to loss of funds if the channel funding TX ever confirms (or was confirmed)
Source: lightning.proto
Field | gRPC Type | REST Type | REST Placement |
channel_point | ChannelPoint | object | mixed |
pending_funding_shim_only | bool | boolean | query |
i_know_what_i_am_doing | bool | boolean | query |
Source: lightning.proto
Field | gRPC Type | REST Type |
status | string | string |
Nested Messages
Field | gRPC Type | REST Type |
funding_txid_bytes | bytes | string |
funding_txid_str | string | string |
output_index | uint32 | integer |