📄️ AddrReceives
List all receives for incoming asset transfers for addresses that were
📄️ BurnAsset
BurnAsset burns the given number of units of a given asset by sending them
📄️ DebugLevel
DebugLevel allows a caller to programmatically set the logging verbosity of
📄️ DecodeAddr
DecodeAddr decode a Taproot Asset address into a partial asset message that
📄️ DecodeProof
DecodeProof attempts to decode a given proof file into human readable
📄️ ExportProof
ExportProof exports the latest raw proof file anchored at the specified
📄️ FetchAssetMeta
FetchAssetMeta allows a caller to fetch the reveal meta data for an asset
📄️ GetInfo
GetInfo returns the information for the node.
📄️ ListAssets
ListAssets lists the set of assets owned by the target daemon.
📄️ ListBalances
ListBalances lists asset balances
📄️ ListBurns
ListBurns lists the asset burns that this wallet has performed. These assets
📄️ ListGroups
ListGroups lists the asset groups known to the target daemon, and the assets
📄️ ListTransfers
ListTransfers lists outbound asset transfers tracked by the target daemon.
📄️ ListUtxos
ListUtxos lists the UTXOs managed by the target daemon, and the assets they
📄️ NewAddr
NewAddr makes a new address from the set of request params.
📄️ QueryAddrs
QueryAddrs queries the set of Taproot Asset addresses stored in the
📄️ RegisterTransfer
RegisterTransfer informs the daemon about a new inbound transfer that has
📄️ SendAsset
SendAsset uses one or multiple passed Taproot Asset address(es) to attempt
📄️ StopDaemon
StopDaemon will send a shutdown request to the interrupt handler, triggering
📄️ SubscribeReceiveEvents
SubscribeReceiveEvents allows a caller to subscribe to receive events for
📄️ SubscribeSendEvents
SubscribeSendEvents allows a caller to subscribe to send events for outgoing
📄️ UnpackProofFile
UnpackProofFile unpacks a proof file into a list of the individual raw
📄️ VerifyProof
VerifyProof attempts to verify a given proof file that claims to be anchored